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Making our connections your superpower.


The Club House is a combination of digital and face to face themed meet ups aimed at small groups of invited guests coming together around a specific topic of interest, focusing on strategies that support us all to Do Well and Do Good as we collaborate to expand our horizons.


Supporting the face to face meet ups are our Digital First Thursday Connect sessions, everyone is welcome to join us on the first Thursday of each month for a digital session, a friendly and positive afternoon themed call to know more about a specific topic, and how we can support each other to leverage The Club network as we discover meaningful trusted connections.

Why join us at The Club House?

We host and facilitate monthly events with the intention to bring together senior leaders, build relationships and to help us all find the small things we can all do differently.​ This is all about how we can help each other be more successful by Doing Well and Doing Good personally in life, in businesses, and for the communities we serve.


The focus is on enabling change and transformation in all areas, personally, professionally, in our teams, communities, and wider society, while also driving client acquisition, revenue growth, and developing long-term client partnerships.

The conversation is all about connecting how you do things to what you do and why you do it. These are powerful conversations with trusted people, all taking time out to connect, build meaningful relationships, to think differently about life, and what we want to be different.


In developing powerful connections and meaningful relationships we ultimately create more clients, more revenue, more measured social impact, and more meaningful engagement in the people around us. Everything begins with a conversation that leads to a clear intent, and from there a world of opportunities open through trusted relationships.

What is The Club House focus?

Next at The Club House?


On the 7th November at 4pm we will be introducing Dan Ilet,

ex- FT Journalist to share his insights with open questions from the group.


Dan’s expertise is in optimising sales and taking products, propositions and brands to market with a story-first community strategy. He has worked with IBM, Cognizant, Cisco and other tech firms to win several £100m+ deals through this approach.


Dan was a founding member of CoinDesk, Ex-FT journalist and went on to be a commercial director at Virgin Money, UK Gov and Thomas Cook. Today he is CEO of Tollejo, which connects boardrooms to customers through story-first strategy, experience design and automation, working with companies in entertainment, e-sports, media, tech and decentralised finance (DeFI). 

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