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We have all heard the clichés. "Our people are our biggest asset". Clichés, whilst not the most original thinking, are often true which is why they are so over-used. We passionately believe in people and the difference engaged, purpose driven people make to themselves, the organisations they work for/with, and to the communities they live in.


For people to grow, they need the right conditions, opportunity and capability


Psychological Safety

An environment where people feel safe to make mistakes, disagree with colleagues without conflict, ask for help, and take risks without the fear of negative consequences. These conditions don't happen by accident, they are deliberately created and maintained, and are the context within which people grow.

Connecting talent

We all have talents and gifts, the values and beliefs we hold that give our work purpose, focus and drive. What we have is a unique talent pool that holds shared values across hugely diverse subject matters and industry sectors. We enable and connect people to opportunity, enabling individuals and organisations to thrive.



Programmes & Resources

The focus here is to provide people with access to development programmes and support such as coaching that build self-awareness and accountability. This then enables people to curate and direct their own development, getting support and input as they need.

It's growth, but not as we know it...

We use collaborative teams to support growth in all its forms. These teams are diverse and powerful, uniquely formed for each growth journey, drawn from the Club membership and beyond.


We curate this process for you, understanding what you want to be different and assembling the right blend of people to support you in doing well and doing good.


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