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Doing Well
Doing Good

A Journey of Positive Transformation 

At the heart of Doing Well Doing Good is a bold and ambitious horizon goal: to positively impact the lives of a billion people through meaningful connection and powerful collaboration.

Join us on this journey to redefine success, where economic growth meets social responsibility, and every step forward makes a bigger difference. Let’s connect, collaborate, and create a legacy that lasts!

"We dream, we fight, we grow, and as we just keep pushing, what seems improbable today is tomorrow's inevitable."

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Visionary Partnership Culture

Magical partnerships driving measurable growth

We bring together visionary partnerships that combine technology with collaborative teams and communities, successfully integrating human insight and artificial intelligence to create the opportunity for smarter, data driven cities prioritising safety and economic growth.

In doing this at scale we are driving the Positive Transformation of a global community, enabling magical human connections to flourish into measurable growth, all supported by tech, data and Ai as we build a safer, kinder and healthier world for everyone everywhere.

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Connecting Corporates Communities

Empowering economic growth through social value

We are inviting everyone to imagine a world where the best of human creativity works hand in hand with the precision of artificial intelligence, creating a brighter better future for all by connecting corporate resources, teams and technologies, with communities of people wanting a hand up in life, not a hand out.

Here today we are proud to be working with amazingly supportive people of influence like Sir Ken Olisa OBE, along with global companies and local communities that are the driving force behind positively impacting the lives of a billion people, helping more people from humble beginnings to do more and be more, living a life without limits.

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Amplifying Meaningful Connections

Our trusted network connections are your superpower

We are continually weaving together networks of leaders, decision makers influencers and inspiring thinkers who are committed to excellence in both life and business, aligning together with diverse teams that foster collaborations to drive business growth and societal progress.

As we harness the power of belief and gratitude to transform perspectives and cultivate impactful human connections, our passion lies in rallying people around a shared vision where doing well and doing good aren't just goals, they are the foundations of our strategy, and by amplifying our meaningful trusted connections to create engaging collaborations, our networks become your super power.


Trusted Collaborative Teams

Creating value, life equity and building legacy with each other, for each other

We are successfully bringing together technology with collaborative teams and communities to 240X your growth by enabling our partners to thrive not simply survive in the midst of life's storms, winning through every challenge regardless of circumstances and knowing that adversity is always the advantage when positively directed at what really matters.

We mobilise people, resources, funding and enabling technologies to support your business objectives while helping you to inspire your people, connect with your audience and engage in measurable social impact projects, all in support of positive transformation and the creation of brighter, better futures for everyone.


Accessing Available Funding

Navigating funding opportunities that support better lives

In this dramatically changing world people need lifelong learning and skills, with our 240X teams approach to partnering we are able to give you access to better career starts, adult skills refresher courses and powerful support for graduates competing globally for careers. We also help people with life challenges, those from difficult backgrounds and young people from around the world wanting a hand-up, not a hand out.

Our partners deliver for governments both UK and overseas; national, regional and local schools, colleges and universities as well as for an extensive network of overseas Educational Tour Operators (ETOs).

Through delivery in education, employability and travel, together we are all about Growing Opportunity and creating the foundations of brighter better futures that support a new era of Doing Well Doing Good.


Bridging Opportunity Pathways

Creating brighter better futures for all

Our 240X teams approach to partnering gives you the ability to connect with hundreds of employers and work with collaborative teams committed to delivering a shared vision of a Brighter Better Future.

Working with our partners you can benefit from work readiness support, training and skills development by working directly with a diverse range of businesses wanting to engage with new talent.


This is all about pathways to employment and creating opportunities for skills development, professional training and developing the psychology of resilience to support people through their journey to a career.


Inspiring Connected Engagement

Making strategic leaps with behavioural science design thinking 

Our 240X teams approach to partnering gives you an award-winning behaviour change studio that helps leaders make strategic leaps using Design Thinking and Behaviour Change science.

We connect and work with ambitious, impatient change makers who aspire to shake up the legacy business, ignite transformational change and bring their people with them on the journey.

This is a unique 'consulting-meets-coaching' approach that connects clients directly to A-team talent from academia and industry, using best-in-class methods from change and innovation.


Incubating Cutting-Edge Innovation

Unleashing the wisdom of technology enabled human insight   

Our 240X teams approach to partnering gives you innovation partnerships that are all about impact by combining forces with world leading institutions that place ambition, innovation and imagination at the forefront of everything they do.


Through the enterprise and research centres cutting-edge innovation combined with incredible expertise continues to deliver life-changing outcomes with world-changing impact.

Our partnerships provide the diverse set of support needed by researchers, innovators and talented teams tackling the challenges facing the world today.


Enabling Insightful Wisdom

Connecting smarter, safer data driven cities that change lives

Our focus on global connection means we enable the fusion of actual intelligence (human insight) and artificial intelligence (Ai) with a dusting of ancient intelligence (Wisdom) giving us all the potential to revolutionise every aspect of our lives and for all future generations.

Our 240X teams approach to partnering gives you pioneering technology powered by predictive artificial intelligence and machine learning, we are leveraging cutting-edge graph database technology so that our platform anticipates events before they happen, helping its users to stay informed and make safer decisions.




Doing Well Doing Good faster with less friction

Our 240X teams approach to partnering supports you to be ambitious in unlocking new disruptive growth that will connect your business with a digital future of innovation and measurable impact.

Our partnerships enable you to access teams and resources collectively empowering your business to do more, faster with less friction.


Dedicated teams provide a full range of capabilities to connect you, your business and your clients with a bold new digital future using IoT, data science, AI and custom development.


Building Societal Ventures

Unlocking your potential for disruptive growth 

Our 240X teams approach to partnering gives you the insights required to look inside your own organisation and discover the ideas, hidden talent, ready capital, resources and expertise that can all be combined to drive growth, impact and innovation.


Most larger companies never realise the potential of their built-in advantages that are the envy of any startup, we will work with you to join forces in a creatively powerful process to think and act differently, to recapture the spirit, spark, and speed of your entrepreneurial origins.

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