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Social value measurement

Get your measuring stick out, but be careful what you're measuring. Why? Well, measuring social impact isn't just about tallying resources invested; it's about assessing the tangible effects on individuals and communities.


Organisations need to gauge the real difference their actions make in people's lives and the broader community rather than merely quantifying the inputs poured in. Understanding the true impact leads to informed decisions, better resource allocation, and the ability to adapt strategies for maximum positive change.


It's not just about what goes in, but the meaningful difference it creates in the lives it touches.


Social Value Insight

What is Social Value Insight?

Social Value Insight is a web app that uses machine learning to make it easy to model, measure, and manage social value impact. Delivered in partnership with HACT through The Club of Doing Well Doing Good.

Ensuring the tail isn't wagging the dog!

Social Value Insight is a powerful enabler, and in order for it to work for you, rather than be yet another 'thing' we have to do, we recommend you consider the following:

The maturity of your social value programme - is it well established or are you at the start of your journey? 

Your social value strategy - do you have good sponsorship and is your programme linked to your organisation's outcomes?

Knowing what you want - understanding your intent with social value measurement and what draws you to a measurement tool at this time.

Social Value Insight as an enabler

SVI in a nutshell

It does what is says on the tin

The Social Value Insight (SVI) platform provides you with the support, advice and insights for forecasting and evidencing your organisation's social value impact and monitoring the social value created. 


With SVI, you can model, measure, and manage your projects from proposal to delivery by planning in social value from the outset. Set targets, budgets, and project details then view all your projects in one place.


Create meaningful reports that can be easily exported use the learning journeys. Draw on a bank of topic guidance and support tools to help you on your social value journey.

SVI for bidders

SVI for buyers

SVI for bidders

The presence of social value requirements in tendering is typical, particularly in the public sector, where government guidelines require it to be a minimum of 10% of any points awarded. Having a compelling way to answer social value questions – which can be woolly and unclear at times – is critical and can be the difference between winning and losing.


We have developed an approach that is designed specifically for bid and proposal teams, enabling you to craft compelling, quantifiable answers to social value questions and gain a new and unique competitive advantage over other suppliers. With SVI, bidders get:


Your Social Value Forecast: submit a quantified social value forecast in your bid, proposal, or RFP response, for the lifetime of the contract, that addresses the relevant social projects for the tender.

Your Social Value Method Statement: submit a method statement in your bid, proposal, or RFP response that supports the veracity of your forecast and demonstrate that your social value proposition has depth and authenticity.

SVI for buyers

The Social Value Insight platform makes embedding social value easy. Procurement teams can use SVI to manage social value procurement information in one place from start to finish, and ensure your social value requirements are immersed and embedded across your procurement programmes.


Tailor your procurement initiatives by aligning them with the UK Social Value Bank for each tender whilst choosing your own social value weighting. Suppliers bid on the tenders you provide access to and, when its time to choose a winner, their targets will seamlessly form part of your programme within the SVI tool.

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